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How I use Purition to help me lose weight

How I use Purition to help me lose weight

If you think it is hard to cut down on calories, imagine how difficult it must be for Jane Saxon – a chef! Here's why Jane decided to get serious about...

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Everyone's talking about: Bacteria & junk food

Everyone's talking about: Bacteria & junk food

More evidence has emerged from a leading academic that junk food not only makes us fat, but it actually kills the good bacteria in the gut that helps keep us...

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Everyone’s talking about: Stress and weight

Everyone’s talking about: Stress and weight

It’s long been believed that stress makes people lose weight – but a new trial from the US’s Ohio State University has shown that’s not always true. We can’t avoid stress...

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Which diet is best for me?

Which diet is best for me?

From Mediterranean to keto, fasting to paleo, the best diet is the one you create for yourself. Learn the key factors of some of the more well-known diets, and what’s involved, so...

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