A guide to gluten-free protein powder

The amount of advice out there for those that are gluten -free can be daunting. No matter if you’re a seasoned gym goer, regularly exercise, or are just starting out on a fitness regime and have decided to venture into the world of protein powder (if so, welcome!) any questions you’ll have, we’ll answer right here.
Here at Purition, we know how vital it can be to choose the right gluten-free protein powder for you. It might surprise you to learn that there are several pesky ingredients out there that can creep into some protein powders, making them a no go for those who have adverse reactions to gluten. For now, though, we’re going to take you through everything you need to know about gluten-free protein powder.
What is gluten-free?
Going gluten-free essentially involves cutting out foods in your diet that contain gluten. Gluten is a group of proteins that can be found in the starch of various cereal grains. There are plenty of common foods that are high in gluten, including bread, pasta, cereals, biscuits, cakes and pastries.
Why use protein powder?
Protein is an essential part of our diet. Think back to the classic food group charts you were taught way back when. Protein plays a major part in our diet and is particularly vital for growth. This is because it contains amino acids, which, scientific terms aside, are the building blocks of our muscle growth. When consumed right, protein can have a significant improvement on muscle size and strength in healthy adults.
What does protein powder do?
Protein powders are a product that provides you with a quick and easy way to consume the right amount of protein you need, without you needing to eat a full meal. Essentially, gluten-free protein powders can replace high protein foods as and when required. They act as a helping hand so you can reach your daily intake goal of protein, and provide a great alternative to heavy meals that could be rich in carbohydrates and unhealthy fats. Meal replacements have grown in popularity in recent years, so it stands to reason, then, that gluten-free meal replacement shakes have also been the talk of the town.
The main goals of any gluten-free protein powder are to do the following:
- Promote the body’s muscle growth
- Aid metabolism (how quickly we digest food and turn it into energy)
- Provide a boost of instant energy, depending on when they are consumed
- Fight ageing problems related to age related sarcopenia (muscle loss)
- Help people reach peak physical performance
- Assist with weight management
How to use protein powder
The GDA for protein for an average adult is 0.8 grams per kg of body fat. This equates to 56g per day for the average man and 46g per day for the average woman.
As you’d imagine, this number changes depending on how active you are. The more exercise you do, the more protein you’ll need to factor into your diet! Those partaking in recreational athletics, for example, should aim to consume 1.1 – 1.4 g of protein for every kg of body fat, and competitive athletes, 1.2- 1.4. If you’re aiming to build muscle mass, which is an increasingly popular reason for using protein powder, then you’ll ideally need to aim for 1.5 – 2.0 g per kg of fat per day.
Good times to consume gluten-free protein shakes:
- When growing (teenagers, we’re talking to you)
- When you’re starting a new fitness programme
- When you’re amping up your workouts
- Recovering from injury (they assist with muscle growth and strength)
- If you decide to go vegan (veganism means giving up a lot of protein rich foods such as eggs, meat and fish)
There’s a lot of advice out there regarding the best time to consume gluten-free protein powder. Some say throughout the day, replacing snacks or meals, whereas other experts suggest taking protein powder within 30 minutes of a workout is most effective. The best thing to do here is try out several options and see what works for you.
If you follow any kind of exercise programme, be that weights, cardio or endurance training, then you can add more protein to your diet. This makes sure you get the most out of every workout you do.
Which protein powder is best?
The best protein powder options that are now widely available include:
- Whey protein – this protein powder is sourced from milk
- Casein protein – also sourced from milk, but the casein is absorbed more slowly
- Egg protein
- Pea protein – plant-based option popular with vegetarians and vegans
- Hemp protein – plant-based supplement becoming increasingly popular
The important thing to remember if you’re thinking of adding gluten-free protein shakes to your diet to increase your protein intake is that they are a supplement. This means you need to use them as a supplement to a healthy, balanced diet. Relying on powder alone is a bad idea. They fill nutritional gaps and add to a diet, not replace it. Aim to eat lots of healthy meats, fish and fresh veg too, to make sure you get all the nutrients you need. A balanced diet and intake of food will see you smash your diet plan out of the park. This is because you’ll hit your protein goal from a variety of sources.

What makes Purition different?
Here at Purition, we’ve worked hard to make sure all our blends are naturally gluten-free and made from real food. We’ve got plenty of vegetarian and vegan options, too.
Purition want to make it easy for those with coeliac disease to enjoy protein powder. That’s why our range of real food alternatives to traditional protein powders are all gluten free, with less than 5ppm. What’s more, our products are regularly tested, and made by ourselves in Shropshire so we can keep an eye on the process from start to finish.
What Purition offers, in a nut shell:
- Dairy-free, plant-based blends made with hemp, pea and rice
- A junk free protein powder alternative that is free from added sugars, artificial sweeteners, and flavourings
- Products made of the freshest ingredients of the highest quality
- No fake nutritional supplements or artificial flavourings
- Protein powder alternatives that make healthy eating simple, meaning you can add them to any meal or shake or use instead of a meal like breakfast.
Artificial shakes swarm the market these days, so for a protein powder you can rely on to aid in your fitness goals, shop with us. All we do is combine real food ingredients, namely seeds and nuts, for you to enjoy. It’s as simple as that! Want to know more? Check out our video.

Gluten Free

High in Protein

High Fibre

Low Sugar

Low carb keto meal

Made in the UK
Healthy eating gluten-free
We know how important it is to track what you’re eating if you’re following a fitness regime. Our natural protein powder alternative bears this in mind with plenty of healthy fats and fibre (so it’s not just protein). It’s never been easier to enjoy healthy food that’s packed full of protein and doesn’t compromise on flavour or good health.
If you’re not sure about the best protein powders to try, it’s always worth doing a test run before. This can help you work out what you want from your gluten-free protein powder. Purition have some handy protein powder samples that come in a variety of flavours, so if you’re new to a gluten-free lifestyle, you can find the best product to suit you.
What makes protein powder gluten free?
Those who need to stick to gluten-free protein powders need to be careful here. There is often crossover with certain ingredients, meaning, unfortunately, you need to steer clear of a few options!
By law, products must contain fewer than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten. The Gluten Free Certification Organisation state approve products with no more than 10 ppm. Purition is always less than 5 pmm and therefore we classify this as coeliac safe.
Find out more about using Purition to support a gluten-free diet.
Can Purition help my IBS?
What is coeliac disease?
Meet gluten-free Frankie!
The importance of fibre
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