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The Daily Feed 🍽

Pork Chop with Warm Butter Bean Salad

Serves 2

What you'll need

Main ingredients

  • 2 Pork chops
  • 1 Tin butter beans

Fresh/ frozen

  • Fresh dill, roughly chop about 4 sprigs
  • 2 Spring onions, finely sliced
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • 2 Large garlic cloves, minced

Store cupboard

  • Olive oil, 1-2 tbsp
  • Smoked paprika, ¼ tsp
  • Chilli flakes, ¼-½ tsp
  • Ground cumin, ½ tsp
  • ½ cup stock, chicken or veggie
  • Salt & Pepper, to taste
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What to do

1. While the pork chops are cooking (cook to your preference. I start mine off on the hob in a frying pan and pop in the oven after they’re a little golden on each side, turning occasionally and until fat has rendered and meat is cooked through - about 30 mins). In a pan, heat 1-2 tbsp olive oil and add the minced garlic and spices. Season with salt and pepper and ‘toast’ until the garlic is fragrant, stirring so they don’t catch on the bottom - if they burn they will taste bitter.

2. Add the drained and rinsed tin of butter beans and ½ a cup of stock (I used chicken, but you could use veggie), stir well and bring to the boil for a minute or two. Turn down the heat to medium/ low and allow to simmer until the beans are warmed through and the sauce has reduced/ thickened a little (about 5-10 minutes).

3. Trim up and slice 1 or 2 spring onions and roughly chop some dill and or/ parsley. Stir through the herbs, lemon juice and sliced spring onions just before serving.

notes & tips

  • temperature check your pork is cooked through and to your liking. Pork is cooked well done at 77 degrees c, and medium at 71 degrees c
  • make it your own use your favourite herbs and spices
  • swap out the protein for your choice, this warm butter bean salad would be a delicious side to most choices
  • recipe inspired by Suzy Karadsheh, linked here on The Mediterranean Dish 

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